The way you present your candidates is unique – they are so well presented. I knew more about the people we interviewed than with any other agency I have ever worked with. I wish you served more than just the legal field as I would love to use you in other skills.” VP Major Corporation
“You shouldn’t even call yourself a recruiting firm – the level of insight, knowledge and coaching you provide is so fundamentally superior to the industry as people perceive it.” Partner, Denver Law Firm
“Thank you for all your hard work in successfully connecting me with [Denver Law Firm]. Your help and guidance certainly made my job search so much easier! Thanks for being such a great advocate.” Litigation Associate, Relocating to Denver from San Francisco
“Thank you very much for your hard work and efforts in bringing [lateral partner] to our firm. We believe her addition greatly enhances our firm and look forward to practicing with her for many years to come. We could not have achieved this success without you.” Managing Partner, Leading Denver Law Firm
“Thank you very much for your hard work and efforts in bringing [name withheld] to our firm. We would not have achieved this success without you.” Managing Partner, Denver Law Firm
“I give him an A+++++. He’s outstanding.” Managing Partner about an Associate Placement, Regional Law Firm
“They spent a great deal of time getting to know our firm. Consequently, the candidates they introduced were surprisingly well-suited to our work environment and the personalities of our attorneys and staff members. They did a great job.” JW, Hiring Partner, Denver Law Firm
“The job is perfect. It fits me. I love the people, I love the environment, I love everything I’m doing.” AP, Denver, CO
“You helped me identify and structure the perfect fit with a top law firm, and I couldn’t be happier. I thank you for your insights, your marketplace knowledge, business acumen, and personal attention. You are a great resource to anyone seeking to make the right connections in the law business.” Partner, Denver CO
“I deal with head hunters all the time and nobody does what you do. Your firm is head and shoulders above the rest in terms of your integrity, quality of service and follow-up!” TB, Esq., Denver Law Firm
“Thank you for doing exactly what you said you would do!” Managing Partner, Denver Law Firm
“I would say that you have shown great flexibility in tailoring your searches to our needs, and that you are refreshingly honest in letting me know when you can’t do something.” Managing Partner, Denver Law Firm
“You saved us over 12 weeks in hiring this lateral. I’m not sure we would have found the person without you.” Denver Client
“You were very helpful when I was looking for a firm, and unlike many placement firms, your employee and his team were very good about communicating with me and making an effort to work with me. I worked with a lot of firms while I was unemployed, and his firm was the best by far.” Associate, Denver
“I wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you for your incredible work. I have talked with a number of recruiting firms, and while many aspire to provide superior personal service – few deliver. However, you and your firm truly make good on that promise. You have far exceeded my expectations. I just want you to know that I think you are doing an outstanding job, and would highly recommend you to both firms and attorneys.” Successful Partner Placement, Denver Law Firm
“I found interfacing with The Advocates to be a uniquely interactive experience. They don’t take the shotgun approach – sending lots of candidates in the hope that one hits the mark. Rather, they really took the time to learn our business and understand our needs. Ultimately, The Advocates sent us 2 candidates, both of whom were well qualified for the position, who were well briefed on our company and what we expected from them. We will gladly use them again.” DM, Assistant General Counsel/Director, Regulatory Affairs/Denver Law Firm
“I have been recruiting and hiring people for major US corporations for over eighteen years. This is one of the best, if not the best agency relationships I have ever experienced. Both (employee) and your process are amazing!” VP HR, Major Corporation
“You sell yourself short — I have worked with top recruiters in NY and San Francisco and your knowledge, professionalism and service are without equal.” Litigation Partner, Head of group
“You guys are so different from (name of competitor) and other firms in your field. Your process, how you listened to me and how you guided me through the interview process are unique and very much appreciated.” Associate General Counsel placement
“I wanted to thank you for all your time and energy you invested in procuring the legal position I’ve always aspired for. Your efforts transcended any and all expectations I possessed prior to contacting you. You took the time to understand my needs and goals and utilized that understanding to find the optimal setting for me."
Despite the extreme efforts you expended in locating my dream job, I am most grateful for your assistance after my employment began. You constantly guided me through the transitional phase and helped me to adjust to the new position. Your counseling and eagerness to lend an ear integrally facilitated the acclimation process.
"My gratitude is profound. Thank you Advocates for your extreme efforts and diligence in getting me the associate position I’ve always strived for.” SC, Esq.
“I think that the best way to refer to The Advocates is as a true “value-added” service provider in the legal placement business. I have worked with a number of competitors in the past twenty years. In virtually all of the cases, their involvement began and ended with putting me in contact with another law firm. With The Advocates, that was only the beginning of the services."
The Advocates truly lived up to their title, taking a very active role in the process, including having face-to-face meetings with the members of the prospective law firms, staging mock interviews with me, and negotiating my compensation package. The insights, assistance, and advice that I received from The Advocates was invaluable assistance in helping me to achieve my goals.” KM, Partner
“We are really happy with [our new associates]. They are both big hits at the office, both professionally and personally … I can’t imagine any better candidates, they are both perfect fits!” Managing Partner, Denver Boutique Firm
43% of lateral hires lose money (Hildebrandt/Citi Client Advisory).
90%+ of Advocate placements meet expectations.

Denver Office – Headquarters
1800 Glenarm Pl 14th floor, Denver,
CO 80202, United States