A Targeted Legal Search and Recruiting Firm
The Advocates will find you the right candidate or position --- the first time.
We guarantee results.
The Advocates
We help law firms, corporate legal departments and attorneys
in all practice areas thrive.
For Law Firms
We assist law firm leaders as you look to improve profitability, outperform your peer firms, and execute your strategic goals through our unique client and candidate diligence processes, market insights and extensive research capabilities.
For Lawyers
Our representation of legal talent involves matching you to opportunities that offer long term fulfilment and growth by truly getting to know you, your goals and your key personality traits.
We Help Clients
Gain access to every prospective candidate due to our unique search approach, research team, and comprehensive attorney database.
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Improve retention and productivity through our proprietary client and candidate diligence process.
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Save time and money in the hiring process by sending only three guaranteed finalists weeks faster than our competitors.
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Improve revenue and profits through our unique market insights and a variety of customizable approaches.
See How
“The way you present your candidates is unique - they are so well presented. I knew more about the people we interviewed than with any other agency I have ever worked with. I wish you served more than just the legal field as I would love to use you in other skills.”
VP Major Corporation
We Help Candidates
Enjoy access to a wider variety of career enhancing positions.
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Gain market intelligence in compensation, work-life balance, law firm and corporate legal department trends, and more.
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By acting as your “agent” in the marketplace, we allow you to focus on your craft while we identify opportunities and take care of time-consuming tasks during the interview process.
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Find the right job the first time through expert career planning including resume and interview coaching.
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“You helped me identify and structure the perfect fit with a top law firm, and I couldn't be happier. I thank you for your insights, your marketplace knowledge, business acumen, and personal attention. You are a great resource to anyone seeking to make the right connections in the law business."
Partner, Denver CO
The Advocates is continuing to grow and expand to new markets. We are always interested in talented people to join our team.

Denver Office – Headquarters
1800 Glenarm Pl 14th floor, Denver,
CO 80202, United States